BetterDiscord is a client modification/extension for the Discord app that extends the original Discord with additional features, allowing for greater customization.
One of the most popular BetterDiscord features is the ability to change your discord theme. There are many different Better Discord themes to choose from, and you can even design your own. Let’s come to the point and talk about what is better discord?
Another Better Discord feature is to change the Better Discord overlay. This allows you to get Better Discord notifications, for example when a user joins your server. In Better Discord settings you can also choose which Better Discord features should be enabled/disabled, allowing you to customize Better Discord just the way you want it.
Better Discord gives an abundance of options to change and improve your Discord experience, making it the perfect choice for those who want more from their Discord client. Try Better Discord today!
If you’re looking for a Better Discord theme or overlay, be sure to check out our Better Discord themes and overlays page! We have a variety of different themes and overlays to choose from, as well as Better Discord tutorials and downloads to help you get Better Discord up and running. If you’re having an issue with Better Discord, head over to our Better Discord troubleshooting page.
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Better Discord Features

Discord is a great platform for voice and text chat, but it can be better. Here are some ways to make Discord better:
- Add a notification system so you can see when people join or leave channels. Allow users to edit their messages after they’ve sent them. Add a way to search for messages by keyword. Add a way to export chat logs.
- Allow users to mute notifications from specific channels or users. Add a dark mode for night-time use.
- Allow users to pin messages to the top of the channel so they don’t get buried.
- Add a better way to search for user profiles. Allow users to set their username and change it once a week or something like that.
- Add better ways of organizing servers and channels on the home page so popular ones don’t get buried.
- Add better security features such as login requirements, expiration periods, etc. Add better moderator features to better manage chat rooms.
- Allow moderators to pin messages to the top of channels so they don’t get buried. Allow users to set their own custom emoji in the emotes menu.
- Find a better way for bots to connect than just invite links. Make it easier to create bots. Allow users to change their nicknames more often. Add better voice quality options.
- Allow users to join multiple servers at the same time. Make it easier to invite people to servers. Allow servers to have different roles for different users, such as moderators, admins, etc.
- Add better sound options for notifications/messages. Change the way that text scrolls in order to better accommodate mobile devices. Allow better customization of notification sounds.
- Make it easier to download music from streaming services like Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc. with no restrictions on how much you can download.
- Allow users to join multiple voice channels at the same time. Allow users to see how many people are in a voice channel before joining. Add a better way to manage server roles and permissions.
- Add better moderation features for voice chats, such as muting users, banning users, etc. Allow users to record their voice conversations.
- Add better support for animated GIFs. Add better support for videos. Allow users to share files of any size. Add a better way to manage server settings. Allow servers to have different themes.
- Add better support for languages other as Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc. Allow users to join voice channels without having to be in the server. Allow servers to have more than one owner. Add better support for mods on mobile devices. Add better support for themes on mobile devices.
- Allow better customization of profile pictures. Add better security features such as encryption, better IP protection and hiding, personal VPNs, etc.
- Add better moderation tools for voice chats like muting only in the channel, not the entire chat; better recording tools for users; better spam blocking tools, better user blocking tools, better ability to block users who are using voice changers, better support for muting sound effects, better spam filtering features.
- Add better ways to manage server invites so popular servers don’t get buried by people hoarding invites. Allow users to create their own invite links without needing a bot. Allow better support for bots and better customization of them.
- Add better tools for streamers and YouTuber to better interact with their fans, such as voice chats and video chats, better ways to keep track of who’s online/offline, better activity alerts about specific people coming on or going offline.
- Allow better support for bots in moderation. Improve the design of the client so it’s more user-friendly and looks better.
- Add more features that are requested by the community. Release updates more often with bug fixes and new features. Address any complaints or criticisms that users have about better Discord.